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1 Dec

Dear friends:  Today I have a very heavy heart.  My friend, Christy, whom I have mentioned on this blog before, had surgery two weeks ago today to reverse the illiostomy from her colon surgery earlier this fall (Christy has had 3 occurances of colon cancer).  Over the weekend she began experiencing some complications and has been admitted to the hospital in Louisville again.  She has developed a minor leak in the reversal, and the tests have revealed a new tumor – this time in her liver.  Please remember this sister in prayer. 

Last week’s review

27 Oct

Orlando, Florida – 2008 National Convention

Up bright and early Monday morning to catch our flight and spend 5, very fast days in Orlando, Florida –  Hubbie, me and 3 office leaders.  By the time Friday night, back home, came – I was dragging my you know what.  It was fun, it was tiring, we had one major scare and I am glad it is over.  Here is a condensed version of the week:

Monday: arrival and bus to Coronado Springs resort 

Monday night:  Disney gala – danced with hubbie 

Tuesday:  Recognition of Top 100 – yes one of them was ME!!! Presentations by the big guys, one particularly good one included “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch.  You can find it on U Tube.

Entertainment of the morning, jugglers – they were really good 

Tuesday night:  Mickey’s Not so Scarey Halloween Party (I am too old for that stuff – it was fun, but I was exhausted) 

Wednesday:  Boring stuff – tax stuff, blah, blah, blah  CRISIS – Then:  Trouble at WKU, lockdown, couldn’t reach kids, Bro. Ray calls, heard from Andrew, finally heard from Nick, everyone okay, whew, relief!   Back to boring tax stuff.

Wednesday night:  Took a boat to the Disney Boardwalk. Then Downtown Disney – loved the Swan and Dolphin resort. 

Thursday:  more tax stuff, break sessions, more tax stuff, more blah, blah, blah 

Thursday night:  Banquet at SEAWORLD!! Took tons of pictures, too many to post.  I can’t even imagine what HR paid for this!!! We had shrimp cocktails and crab claws, chicken, fish, pork, desserts like you wouldn’t believe and a special show from Shamu! 

Friday: Great presentation by Disney and then a presentation from the criminal investigation division of IRS (boy you would have loved THIS one) 

Finally:  conclusion and annoucement of next year’s location. Can’t actually say, but we will be hoping to take our boys to see some COWBOYS!!! 

Hard to believe, but life can go by quickly and change just as quickly. We are very thankful to all be home and well. Thank you Jesus!


Drop in at our house!

7 Aug

Last Sunday night, we had the opportunity to host a “drop in” at our house.  We had a good group of boys and girls (heavy on the boys) and they played in the pool, played basketball, got in the hot tub and played XBox.  As of this month, both guys are promoting upward to the college age Sunday School class. (but,I have a feeling that they’ll still hang around anyway)

 We have been so blessed and are very grateful to the youth staff for the years of service they have given to our kids.  I know they have played a significant role in who my kids have become today.  Thanks to the time and caring of the youth minister “extraordinaire” that we have.  (Brian actually taught my oldest to drive a stick shift!)  He makes such an effort with the youth.  His fall retreats were always favored by my boys over the summer camps. 

So……..a great big, huge, awesome thank you to Brian and company!

Note:  The two little cuties in these pictures belong to Brian and his sweet wife Melissa.  These babies don’t know how blessed they are to have the opportunity to grow up under God’s guidance with these two precious people.  (thanks for permission to post their photos)

The little guy in this picture was stuck at the shallow end with the duck, but wanted to be with the big boys playing basketball.  When they got in the hot tub, he wanted to get in “dat swimmin pool”.  Lastly, if you want to imagine him with the duck in the pool, just think “Dash” from The Incredibles.  He was a hoot!

Living Proof Live weekend…..friends, food, faith and fellowship

4 Aug

Louisville, KY – sell out audience for Beth Moore, as she shares the Word of God to those ready to hear!

We arrived in Louisville just in time for lunch.  Where else but the Cheesecake Factory. We saw another group of “siestas” there with My Journey.  We had wonderful food and then, of course, had to have cheesecake.  Mine was Dulce de Leche, Sing Me Home had something caramel macadamian nut – both were slap your leg delicious (sorry, didn’t last long enough to get much of a picture).

Next, you can’t go on a road trip without a little shopping, so we hit the mall.  This one had a Pottery Barn – oh how I love that store!  Off to the hotel, check in, change clothes (of course), snap a photo, and on to the church.  Worship was heavenly, Beth was inspiring and we all left with a little less makeup and the challenge to put down deep roots through study of God’s Word.  I don’t have my notes here with me, but I do want to share the 7 items she listed (later).  But, since it is a slow Monday afternoon, I wanted to go ahead and share the pictures.  Wish everyone could have been there.

Here comes the bride……..

12 Jul


Today, a very, very sweet young couple will become man and wife.  The wedding is at 3:00 and I have the honor of being one of the musicians to play.  A friend playing organ and I will be accompanying a french horn performing Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring and we’re playing How Beautiful and the Bridal Chorus.  It is going to be a beautiful wedding with reception to follow at the River Park Center.  May God Bless this precious man and woman!



Got tagged today!

11 Jul

Today I got tagged by a very sweet person – fellow blogger and scrapper, Theresa.  Here are the answers to the questions.  If I tag you, lets hear your answers. 


10 years ago I was: Not a regular member of any church.  Working with H&R Block at our old location.  A mom of young children, my children were in 2nd and 3rd grade (I think). We were living at our other house on Weir Rd.   

Five things to do today:  1. Go walk the trail (check).  2. Do day 1and 2 of the Patriach’s (check) 3.  Practice music for wedding rehearsal tonight (check) 4.  Attend wedding rehearsal.  5. Come home and go to bed!

Snack I enjoy:
Peanut Buster Parfait from DQ

Things I would do if a Millionaire:
Let some one else run my business and hubbie and I would work in home missions.

Places I have lived:
Born in Paducah, lived in Greenville, then Bowling Green, then Madison, Wisconsin, then back to Greenville

The four people I’m going to tag Kim, Rosi, Kimberly and Lori.

Hey, everyone, I thought I would just pass a word along. Today, Saturday, is Wet Granola’s birthdate. Pop in on her blog or leave a happy birthday comment for her here.

8 Jun


 Happy Birthday, Stacey♥  Hope

you’ve had a happy one!   

Love you, sister ~



3 Jun


Came across this when checking email and it seemed so timely for a couple of my nearest and dearest who are having to persevere and endure. (actually me too!)  So…..just had to share.  


Becky had often heard the little saying, “Have an attitude of gratitude,” and for the most part she did. She could count her blessings and generally found a thankful spirit.

Yet she could find no thankfulness in this difficult circumstance! Her “attitude of gratitude” could find nothing for which to be thankful for. If she were not careful, her heart could slip into despair and even bitterness.

She didn’t feel like reading her Bible, but she picked it up and flipped through it. Her eyes fell on a familiar verse she had highlighted with red…

“…in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.??? (1 Thessalonians 6:18).

It seemed to hit her with new clarity. It said, “in everything” not, “for everything.” She pondered the thought. If she could not be thankful FOR this particular circumstance, what did it mean to be thankful IN it? 

When we ask sincere questions, with hearts hungry to understand God’s ways, the Holy Spirit shows us the answer.

Thoughts tumbled in her mind. She could be thankful for God’s faithfulness to her. As she recalled times past when life seemed out of control, she recalled God’s steadying hand upon her and how His strength had carried her in difficult times (Matthew 11:28).

She could be thankful that God promised to work things out for good…yes; she had seen His hand bring good out of the most troubling things (Romans 8:28).  

With fresh realization her heart grew a bit lighter as she saw what God meant…be thankful IN her circumstance because she knew God was bigger than any problem and He would be faithful to help her, His child.

 Praying that God will bless each of you abundantly today!



Shamelessly begging…..

27 May

for you to pray for my dear friend.  She began her chemo the second week of this month and of course the side effects have begun.  I know she can make it through this, but she needs every drop of strength she can get from the prayers of the saints.  The following is an email I got from her today: 



Yes, I have had a few people tell me that they think that she looks like me (referring to her granddaughter’s pictures she sent).  I sure don’t see it though.  She is way too cute to look anything like me. 

Thanks for the prayers and not just yours but the group.  I sure do need them.  I am really having a hard time with it this time.  Besides all of the terrible side effects that come with the chemo and radiation I just can’t seem to keep my spirits up this time.  It seems like I spend most of my days in tears, which I know isn’t good, but I am just having a hard time giving it over to God this time.  Sometimes I just want to give up, which I know is just Satin, but I still have those bouts of depression.  I have watched the movie Facing the Giants a couple of times and am trying to be the farmer who not only prayed for rain but also prepared the fields as well. 

Thanks again for your friendship,


 Thanks in advance to all of you.

Pray for Christy

15 May

Well, I’ve been asking for prayer for my friend Christy (she is in her third occurence of colon cancer).  Just spoke with Nancy the OM and here’s the plan.  Tomorrow Christy will get her port in–that way, not so many bad needle sticks.  This is the beginning of 5 1/2 weeks of chemo and radiation.  Then they redo the scans to see if the tumors have shrunk and to reevaluate her situation.  If things are what they expect—-then surgery, with a temporary ostomy. 

Next, 30 days to heal.  Then, 6 months of more chemo and radiation.  Then, reassess. 

This dear sister needs all the prayer support she can get.  This looks to be a challenging year for her.  Her spirits seem good and she has two grandbabies that she is fighting to live for.  Please remember her.



Tax Day Surprise

21 Apr

Aren’t these flowers beautiful.  Again, thanks to the dear friend who brightened my day last week. 

A big thank you

3 Apr

I owe a great big thank you to Maggie for making me pretty.  She used the stripes in my bag (see post below) and jazzed it up to make it me!  I was so excited.  It’s like having a new outfit on.  So, Maggie, THANKS a bunch.  (you still have to teach me to do this though)

Need prayer intervention

2 Apr


This is my dear friend and colleage, Christy.  Christy was diagnosed a little over 6 years ago with colon cancer.  She had one colon surgery and full course of chemo.  She was totally sick during the chemo.  About a year later, there was a second occurance of the cancer and she had more colon removed, but this time no chemo.  Yesterday, I got a call from her office manager that she was at the docs office because her recent colonoscopy showed a mass.  I talked to her hubby today and the docs think it may just be a calcification.  They did a biopsy, but will go ahead and do surgery to remove this mass.  Please pray with me that this will not be another cancer.  Third occurance cannot be good.  Thanks for your support.

call to pray……..and even more

4 Mar

This is to all who are ready to stand in the gap.  Ch Gb is still very, very sick.  I just spoke with her and she sounded even worse.  She had a bad night last night, with her oxygen level dropping to 80 after walking just to the nurses station.  She said they have done xrays and no pneumonia, but I am really concerned for her.  After being in the hospital for almost a week, hubbie is getting a bit impatient.  Please interceed on her behalf and if there is anything tangible you feel led to do, I know it would be greatly appreciated. 

Valentine Banquet….(highschool memories)

24 Feb

Last night was our church’s Valentine banquet.  It’s really not much about Valentines day, especially is it was almost 2 weeks after Valentines Day.  The purpose of the banquet is really to raise funds for the youth for summer camp.  This year the theme was School Spirit.  They went all out with a school bus, Principal Chad, pep band, copies of yearbook pages for place mats and even (yuck) a bonafide high school lunch menu consisting of square pizza, canned corn, lunchroom ice cream, an apple and a salad.  Oh well, it wasn’t about the food anyway.  Various Sunday school groups provided entertainment.  The finale was a repro of Spartan Cheerleaders from Saturday night live.  I think those two did an outstanding job. 

Well, Sunday is here and we all have to going back to being responsible grownups.  But it was fun to relive the past for a few hours.  The format here may not be very professional, but I hope you enjoy the photos.

blue tongue

13 Feb


This one is just for you Stacey.  Just look at this little angel!

Selah…..for real.

16 Sep

Well, we hear about it, we know it happens, but we never believe it will happen to US or anyone WE know.  But this week, many of us waited, hopeful, praying, believing, –for a dear sister to hear the ominous news that her biopsy revealed breast cancer—–my dear 30 something sister.   The news had me stunned for a long time, no emotion, no feeling, just a need to act.  To do something, anything, to help, thinking if I DID do something it would change the outcome—-make it go away……….it didn’t……

She calls……come over now…….parents and children have been told, now time to comfort.  As best as one can,  start driving………listening to Travis…….words: I am a stranger in this place, this world is not my home……………………….then the words that trumpeted in my ears…..”if thats what it takes to know you more”.   My prayer changed that moment.  I prayed, “God if that’s what it takes for her to know YOU more, then we will ride out the storm with her”.  Then the Still Small Voice spoke–“I will draw her into a holy place and when she comes out, she WILL know me more and the Glory of God will be revealed through it”.  Whew……finally the emotion flooded, volumous tears, sobbing, crying in a voice not my own…..I pulled off the side of the parkway and PAUSED (selah??? do you think).  I waited until I was empty, then called for prayer support so I could continue on.  I  reached her home.  We cried, we talked, I held her close, we hugged, we prayed.  I know God has empowered her to walk this path and He has the journey already mapped out.  We will be there to hold her up, wherever the coming days take her.  We call upon Him who created her, to bring the miraculous, in whatever form He chooses to bring it.  We will stand in the GAP.  She will not be alone, we will carry her, we will hold up her arms while she gains victory, we will share her burdens—-and then turn them to the Father.  We will wrap our love around her and her family, because we know they have their own fears to overcome. 

She is stong in the Spirit. 

She is mighty in Him.

She is a WARRIOR. 

She will overcome, because the One who has overcome lives in her.

She will be filled with life and that life will flow out to others. 

She HAS THE VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

Some of the chicks I hung out with

10 Sep


Mandisa, me and Kim

10 Sep


Birthday Girl!!!

4 Sep


Sorry it took me so long to post this picture.  Celebration time.  It is so good to celebrate life!  On this planet, we tend to do this on an annual basis (at least until the number reaches a certain point).  But, since every day is a gift, I want to become better at  celebrating life on a daily basis!
God, help us to remember to celebrate life, because it was life that you came to give us.  Help us to remember that in the scope of eternity, it doesn’t matter whether the number is 50, 40, 30, 20 or 2.  Eternity knows no ending number!!!!  Help us  to not allow ourselves to become dull and listless, weighed down and heavy, but to be springing forth with abundant, overflowing, bubbling, everlasting  life—-whether its the first celebration or the 2000th!  Glory and amen!