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Birthday Girl!!!

4 Sep


Sorry it took me so long to post this picture.  Celebration time.  It is so good to celebrate life!  On this planet, we tend to do this on an annual basis (at least until the number reaches a certain point).  But, since every day is a gift, I want to become better at  celebrating life on a daily basis!
God, help us to remember to celebrate life, because it was life that you came to give us.  Help us to remember that in the scope of eternity, it doesn’t matter whether the number is 50, 40, 30, 20 or 2.  Eternity knows no ending number!!!!  Help us  to not allow ourselves to become dull and listless, weighed down and heavy, but to be springing forth with abundant, overflowing, bubbling, everlasting  life—-whether its the first celebration or the 2000th!  Glory and amen!